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Term Based Pricing Availability
Term Based Pricing Availability
Updated over a week ago

You can generate the Term Based Pricing Availability report to view all prices for all units, such as the generated new lease price for each available lease term and move-in date range.

To generate the report

  1. From the top menu, select Reports > Leasing column > Term Based Pricing Availability.

  2. Complete the report's filter:




The property, properties, or property list you want to generate the report for.

Unit Type (optional)

The specific unit type(s) you want to view information for.

Unit (optional)

The specific unit(s) you want to view information for.

Summary Type

The way you want the report's information to be organized.

Property Summarizes the report's information by property.


None Includes units that are available to rent (unrented).

Occupied Units Includes occupied units that are rented or available to rent.

Pre-Leased Units Includes unoccupied units that are rented or available to rent.

Both Includes occupied and unoccupied units that are rented or available to rent.

To Date

Shows pricing as of the specified date.

Caution: Always use today's date. This report is unable to pull historical data.

3. Click Display. The report appears.

4.To export the report as a PDF or Excel file to your device:

  • Click Export.

  • To save the report as an Excel file, click Export Excel. The file downloads to your device.

  • To save the report as a PDF file, click Export PDF. The file downloads to your device.

Term Based Pricing Availability report column reference



Market Rent

Unit market rent set in Voyager. Has no impact on Revenue IQ pricing.

Total Amenities

Amenity tags associated with the unit record.

Date Available

Date when the unit becomes available to lease. Revenue IQ prices from this date.

Date Ready

Date when the unit's status changed to Vacant Unrented Ready or Vacant Not Ready.

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