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Reports Overview
Reports Overview
Updated over a week ago

This article describes reports and reporting features in RentCafe CRM IQ.


CRM IQ offers many different reports that you can generate and export. We also include resources like tooltips and Help Center articles that contain more detailed information about each report and how its data is calculated.

Selecting reports

Are you looking for information, but you don't know which report will generate the information you need? CRM IQ reports can be divided into four categories: leasing, property, residential, and RentCafe Concierge reports (if you are licensed for Concierge). Use the list below to help you decide which report to generate based on the information you're looking for.

Leasing reports

Report Name

Brief Description

Communication and lead follow-up activities at your properties, such as the traffic date, event type, and source of the lead.

Summarize by property.

Aging schedule for the number of days it takes an agent to complete an outstanding or missed follow-up.

Summarize by property or agent.

Calls, texts, emails, appointments, shows and application counts, and other agent performance metrics for a specified period.

Summarize by property, agent, or prospect.

The average time it takes an agent to respond to a chatbot handoff request, in addition to other Chat IQ metrics.

Summarize by property or agent.

Conversion Life Cycle

How well your property's leads are passing through each leasing workflow stage, and which leads are resulting in new move-ins at your properties.

Summarize by property, agent, ad source, first contact type, or first contact type with Chat IQ.

TIP: This report is calculated using relational logic, and is denoted as such by the Relational icon in the Reports submenu. For more information, see Analyzing Reports below.

Prospect-to-resident conversion ratios, for example, how far prospects may progress in the leasing workflow at your communities.

Summarize by property, agent, ad source, or first contact type.

TIP: This report is calculated using relational logic, and is denoted as such by the Relational icon in the Reports submenu. For more information, see Analyzing Reports below.

First Show Conversion Ratios

Conversion ratio of tours to applicants and tours to move-ins, based on the tour type.

Summarize by property, agent, or ad source.

TIP: This report is calculated using relational logic, and is denoted as such by the Relational icon in the Reports submenu. For more information, see Analyzing Reports below.

Follow-up metrics such as the number of follow-ups assigned to an agent, or completion versus missed follow-up counts.

Summarize by property or agent.

Traffic counts such as calls, emails, texts, walk-ins, or the number of guest cards created during a specified time frame.

Summarize by ad source, property, or agent.

A count of guest records that currently exist in each stage of the leasing workflow, such as the first show, applicant, approval, or denial stages.

Summarize by property, agent, ad source, or first contact type.

A list of prospects without a follow-up scheduled, and includes the agent currently assigned to that prospect.

Summarize by none, last activity date, or agent.

All prices for all units, such as the generated new lease price for each available lease term and move-in date range.

Summarize by property.

Lead traffic information, such as the prospect's contact information, move-in preferences, assigned agent, and event type.

Summarize by source.

Property reports

Report Name

Brief Description

Aged Receivables

Aging schedule for delinquent charges, and includes future charges and prepayment information per property or per resident. This report is typically used during the month-end process to tie out your financial trial balances. This report may be used for historical purposes.

Summarize by property, charge code, or resident.

Box Score Summary

Unit availability, resident activity, and conversion ratio metrics, in the form of interactive tiles and a sortable data grid.

Summarize by property or unit type.

Gross Potential Rent

Summarize by property or unit.

Property Performance

Calls, texts, emails, appointments, shows, leads and application counts, and other property performance metrics for a specified period.

Summarize by property, agent, ad source, or date.

Renewal Pricing

Renewal prices for units with expiring leases.

Summarize by unit type, unit, or expiration.

Rentable Items Availability

List of rentable items that are currently available, along with their current status and rent amounts.

Rentable Items Directory

List of rentable items and their market and current rent, lessee name, and current lease periods.

Unit Availability

Listing of available units, their availability dates and price (for communities that are not using a revenue management system).

Summarize by none, amenities, or unit type.

Unit Best Price Listing

The best prices for all units as of today's date.

Summarize by available date, unit, unit type, or unit type and availability and status.

Unit Directory

List of units and their unit types, their rent and deposit amounts, square feet, and how many bedrooms and bathrooms they have.

Unit Vacancy

List of units with the status of Vacant Unrented Not Ready, Vacant Unrented Ready, Vacant Rented Ready, and Vacant Rented Not Ready, with unit-specific information like resident rent, unit rent, resident deposit, or days vacant. You can also search per unit type.

Voice Analytics

Information about interactions that come into your properties through call automation, in the form of interactive tiles and a sortable data grid. Previously called the Call Automation report.

Resident reports

Report Name

Brief Description

Delinquency Summary

Aging summary for delinquent charges, and includes future charges and prepayment information per property or per resident. This report is typically used throughout the month and shows the delinquency status for the residents as of the time the report is run. This report should not be used for historical purposes.

Summarize by property or resident.

Lease Expiration

Expiring leases by month, including unit and MTM counts.

Summarize by property or unit type.

New Leases

List of new leases signed over a specified period of time at one or more properties, including the date on which the lease was signed.

Summarize by property.

Rent Roll

Market and resident rent amounts, deposits, resident balances, and occupancy as of a specified date.

Summarize by property, unit, or unit type.

Rent Roll With Lease Charges

Monthly rent and deposits for your units, including market rent, lease charges, and resident balances.

Summarize by unit.

Resident Activity Detail

Resident traffic counts for move-ins, move-outs, notices, transfers, month-to-month conversions, lease renewals, and move-in cancellations during a specific date range.

Summarize by property or unit type.

Resident Directory

List of residents at the property, including their unit, rent, current status, lease dates, and their contact information.


Report Name

Brief Description

Incoming Delivery Inventory

Details about incoming deliveries at a property for the specified period of time.

Outgoing Delivery Inventory

Details about outgoing deliveries at the property for the specified period of time.

Shift Note Detail

Shift notes created by Concierge employees for the specified period of time.

NOTE: These reports only appear if you're licensed for RentCafe Concierge. For more information, contact your Yardi sales representative.

Generating reports

You generate most of the reports in CRM IQ the same way. You can adjust the report's filters as you need, like how to sort and organize the information and what logic or parameters you want to base the report on.

To generate a report

  1. Click Reports on the top menu and select the report you want to generate. For more information on report types, see Selecting Reports above.

  2. Configure the report's filters as needed.

    TIP: Filters are unique to each report. Even if the filter on one report has the same name as a filter on another report, the logic may be calculated differently. For more information on a specific filter, see the related CRM IQ Help article for that report.

  3. Click Display. The report appears.

  4. To toggle the report's filter screen, click Toggle.

  5. To reset the filters, click Reset.

  6. You can export most of the reports in CRM IQ. To export the report as a PDF or Excel file to your device:

    1. Click Export.

    2. To save the report as an Excel file, click Export Excel. The file downloads to your computer.

    3. To save the report as a PDF file, click Export PDF. The file downloads to your computer.

Analyzing reports

Once you generate a report, you may have questions when viewing the data, such as:

  • What is the logic used in this report?

  • What does this column mean?

  • What is the purpose of this report?

  • Where does this report pull its data from?

Transactional versus relational logic

Most reports in CRM IQ are based on transactional data, but some are generated based on relational data. This is important to know, because you may notice differences in data counts between report runtimes due to relational reporting logic.

  • Transactional outputs = Your data is presented as-is (static and transactional). Column data is calculated independently of other columns in the report.

  • Relational outputs = Your data is presented in relation to other data in the report. Some column data may change based on changes in other column data.

Tooltips for report columns

You can hover over the title of a column to view its description:

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