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Chat IQ Agent Handoff
Chat IQ Agent Handoff
Updated over a week ago

You can generate the ChatIQ Agent Handoff report in CRM IQ to view the average time it takes an agent to respond to a chatbot handoff request, in addition to other Chat IQ metrics.

To generate the report

  1. From the top menu, select Reports > Leasing column > ChatIQ Agent Handoff.

  2. Complete the report's filter:




The property, properties, or property list you want to generate the report for.

Summary Type

The way you want the report's information to be organized.

Property Summarizes the report's information by property.

Property/Agent Summarizes the report's information by property and then by leasing agent.

Date Range

The time period you want to generate the report for.

3. Click Display. The report appears.

4. To export the report as a PDF or Excel file to your device:

  • Click Export.

  • To save the report as an Excel file, click Export Excel. The file downloads to your device.

  • To save the report as a PDF file, click Export PDF. The file downloads to your device.

ChatIQ Agent Handoff report column reference



Agent Name

(Appears only when summarized by Property/Agent)


(Appears only when summarized by Property/Agent)

Indicates whether the agent is marked as active or inactive in the system.

Total Handoffs

Total number of unique handoff requests from the bot.

(First Agent Reply + Ignore)

First Agent Reply

Number of times an agent accepts a unique handoff notification by clicking Reply.


Number of dismissed or ignored unique handoff requests.

Avg. Response Time in Seconds

Average time it takes (in seconds) for an agent to click Reply after a handoff notification appears in CRM Flex (during business hours only).

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