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Agent Dashboard Overview
Updated over a week ago

​The Agent dashboard is your primary dashboard in CRM IQ and it is the first screen that appears upon login. You can reach the Agent dashboard by selecting Agent on the Dashboards menu or by clicking the CRM IQ logo.

Use the Agent dashboard to manage leads and other customer activity at your property. The Agent dashboard includes:

  • Incoming activity from customers (leads, prospects, and residents) such as web requests, scheduled appointments, and chats.

  • Activity initiated by the leasing agent, such as follow-ups, ID verifications, and deposit accounting.

The Agent dashboard helps you clearly identify the next step that you need to take with a customer. For example, you can:

  • Assign a lead to a leasing agent.

  • Create a new customer record or link a lead to an existing customer record.

  • Follow up on customer communication.

  • Record a showing.

  • Run a screening report.

Additionally, you can initiate the various steps of the prospect, applicant, and resident workflows and remove any invalid leads, such as vendor calls or spam emails, from this dashboard.​

TIP: CRM IQ manages persons through their customer records. When a customer becomes a prospect or a resident at your property, CRM IQ creates a new relationship for the customer at the property. In CRM IQ, prospect and resident are types of relationships that customers can have at your properties. Before a person has a relationship at your property or is linked to a customer, they are considered a lead.

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