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Concierge more menu
Updated over a week ago

You can use the More tab to manage shift notes, away notices, and away services at the property.

Two tiles appear at the top of the More tab:

  • Shift Notes

  • Away Notices

You can click on a data point within these tiles to update the information displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dashboard.

Note: The Vendor Pickup and In-home Delivery dashboard tiles only display if the property is configured to offer package drop-offs and in-home delivery.

Shift Notes tile

The Shift Notes tile shows active shift notes from the last seven days in order of priority. Shift notes are reports from employees that notify other employees of events that occurred during their shifts at the property. You can create a new shift note from any Concierge dashboard tab by clicking the Add New button at the top-right part of the screen and selecting the Shift Note option.

Shift Notes grid filter

You can filter the shift notes dashboard results by timeframe, status, and employee name to which shift notes are assigned.




The date range for shift notes that appear in the shift notes grid. Date ranges can include shift notes for the:

  • Last 7 Days

  • Last 30 Days

  • Last Year

  • All Time


The status of the shift note. Options are:

  • Open

  • Complete

  • All

Assigned To

The name of the employee to which the shift note is assigned for review.

Shift Notes grid

The Shift Notes dashboard grid displays detailed information about the shift notes at the property. By default, the Shift Notes grid shows all open shift notes from the last seven days at the property. You can edit and delete shift notes and mark shift notes complete when they have been viewed.




The comments in the shift note.

Created By

The name of person who created the shift note.


The priority level of the shift note. Options are:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low


The date and time when the shift note was created.


The resident or unit associated with the shift note, if applicable.

Assigned To

The name of the person assigned to the shift note. Assigned to shows Everyone if no employee is assigned to the shift note.


The status of the shift note. Options are Open and Closed.


Shows the actions you can perform with the shift note:

  • Complete Opens the Complete Shift Notes window for marking the shift note complete.

  • Edit Opens the shift note record for editing.

  • Delete Opens the Delete Shift Note window for deleting the shift note.

Away Notices tile

The Away Notices tile shows current away notices and the related away services requested by the residents. Away notices are reports from residents or owners that notify the concierge desk when they will be away from their units for extended periods of time, such as during vacation travel. Away services are the services residents request the property to perform while they are away from their units. You can create a new away notice from any Concierge dashboard tab by clicking the Add New button at the top-right part of the screen and selecting the Away Notice option.

Away Notices grid

The Away Notices grid displays current away notices and the away services the residents have requested be performed while they are away.




The name and unit number of the resident who is scheduled to be away.


The date and time of the resident's departure.


The date and time of the resident's return.


The services the resident requested be performed while they are away.


Details about the away notice.


Opens the Edit Away Notice screen for editing the away notice and away services that the resident has requested.

Away Services grid

If the property offers away services to residents, the Away Services grid displays the away services that residents have requested be performed while they are away.




The name and unit number of the resident who requested the service.


The service the resident requested be performed while away.

Last Complete

The date and time when the service was last completed.

Completed by

Opens the Complete Away Service screen for marking the away service complete.


Opens the Edit Away Notice screen for editing the away notice and associated away services for the resident.

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