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Concierge guests
Updated over a week ago

You can use the Guests tab to manage and monitor guest activity at the property. A Guest is a friend or family member of a resident who has been granted access to a unit for personal purposes or service personnel such as a pet sitter who has been granted access to a single unit for business purposes. From the Guests tab, you can sign in guests when they arrive at the property and sign out guests when they depart. You can add a new guest from any Concierge dashboard tab by clicking the Add New button at the top-right part of the screen and selecting the Guest option.

Guests tiles

Three tiles appear at the top of the Guests tab:

  • Guest

  • Signed In Guests

  • Guests Activity

You can click on a data point within these tiles to update the information displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dashboard.


Data Point


Active Guests Guests available for sign in now.

Inactive Guests Guests that are no longer available to sign in.

All Guests Total active and inactive guests.

Signed In Guests

All guests that are currently signed in at the property.

Guests Activity

Guests that signed in and signed out during the selected timeframe. By default, the Guests Activity tile displays sign in and sign outs from yesterday's date through today's date.

Guests grid

The Guests grid dynamically displays details about guest activity at the property based on the data point you select on a Guests tile. You can filter the guests in the Guest Activity grid by sign in or sign out date for a selected timeframe. By default, the Guest Activity timeframe is from yesterday's date through today's date.



Signed In

Date and time when the guest signed in at the property.

Signed Out

Date and time when the guest signed out at the property.


First and last name of the guest and the relationship the guest has with the resident.


The phone number where the guest can be contacted.


Resident and unit where the guest is signed in or signed out at the property.

Access Info

Details about the guest's access to the resident's unit:

  • Lockout Assistance - the resident authorizes the concierge desk to give the guest a key to the unit.

  • Exclude from Portal - prevents the guest from appearing on the Resident Portal for the resident they are visiting.


Status of the visitor. Options are: Active or Inactive.

Sign In

Opens the Sign In screen for signing in the visitor.

Sign Out

Opens the Sign Out screen signing out the visitor.

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