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Concierge Dashboard Overview
Updated over a week ago

The Concierge dashboard is the primary dashboard for managing daily tasks at the property's concierge desk. You can manage incoming and outgoing packages, amenity reservations, guest and visitor activity, away notices and services. You can also leave shift notes for other employees.

The Concierge dashboard includes the following tabs, each with its own dashboard tiles and data grids:

  • Packages

  • Amenities

  • Guests

  • Visitors

  • More - Shift Notes and Away Notices

You can export Concierge data grid information to Excel through the Table Settings button by selecting the Export to Excel action.

Tip: You can open a resident's quick summary from a dashboard grid without leaving the Concierge dashboard. Look for the Quick View button next to the resident's name. When you click the Quick View button, the Resident Summary opens in the right part of the screen. Alternatively, you can go directly to the resident record by clicking the customer's name.

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