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Concierge dashboard filter
Updated over a week ago

You can filter the Concierge dashboard by property or property list. Click the Property filter to choose from properties or property lists.


You can use the Packages tab on the Concierge dashboard to manage all incoming and outgoing packages at the property. The Packages tab shows all packages by status, incoming packages ready for resident pickup, outgoing packages ready for vendor pickup, and in-home delivery packages ready for delivery to residents' units. You can also add incoming or outgoing package deliveries.

The Packages tab is the first screen that appears when you open the Concierge dashboard. The Packages tab displays dashboard tiles with a data grid containing detailed package information based on the selected data point in the tile.

Packages tiles

Four tiles appear at the top of the Packages tab:

  • Package Management

  • Resident Pickup

  • Vendor Pickup

  • In-home Delivery

You can click on a data point within these tiles to update the information displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dashboard.

Note: The Vendor Pickup and In-home Delivery dashboard tiles only display if the property is configured to offer package drop-offs and in-home delivery.


Data Point

Package Management

Ready for resident pickup Incoming packages waiting to be picked up by residents.

Waiting for vendor pickup Outgoing packages waiting to be picked up by a vendor.

Ready for in-home delivery Packages ready to be delivered to resident's units.

Overdue Packages that are overdue for resident pickup and are subject to charges for storage.

Resident Pickup

Packages ready for pickup by residents in order of priority. Options are:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Vendor Pickup

Packages ready for pickup by vendor. Vendors are shown in the order in which they are set up in Concierge. The first four vendors are listed separately by name. All other vendors are grouped together as Other Vendors.

In-Home Delivery

Ready for delivery Packages ready to be delivered to residents.

Out for delivery Packages that have been picked up and are out for delivery to residents.

Packages grid

The Packages grid dynamically displays package details based on the data you select on a Packages tile. From this grid, you can

  • Record package pickups.

  • Change package storage and pickup locations.

  • Return packages to vendors.

  • Cancel deliveries.

  • Mark a package delivery as closed.

Click the Add Incoming Deliveries button to add an incoming package for a resident to pick up. Click the Add Outgoing Deliveries button to add an outgoing package that a resident drops off for a vendor pickup.

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