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Unit Transfers
Updated over a week ago

The Unit Transfers tab displays a grid with scheduled and in-progress unit transfers at your property. From this tab, you can adjust move-out or move-in dates, complete move-ins or move-outs, and cancel move-ins or notices for units. The resident fields in the grid are hyperlinked to the resident relationship record for the residents involved in the unit transfer. Click on any resident's name in a row to open the corresponding resident relationship record.

From Property

Property and current unit from where the resident is transferring.

From Resident

Resident who is scheduled to transfer from the current property and unit.

Move-Out Date

Move-out date for the current primary resident.

To Property

Property and new unit to which resident is transferring.

To Resident

Resident who is transferring to the new unit.

Move-In Date

Move-in date for the new resident.


Shows actions you can perform for the resident. You can perform any of the following actions for a resident, depending on the resident's occupancy status. For example, if a resident's occupancy status is Past, the Change Move Out Date option will not appear.

  • Cancel Move In Opens the Cancel Move In window.

  • Cancel Notice Opens the Cancel Notice window.

  • Change Move In Date Opens the Adjust Move In window.

  • Change Move Out Date Opens the Adjust Move-Out window.

  • Move In New Unit Opens the Move In window.

  • Move Out Opens the Move Out window.

  • In Progress Transfers Opens Transfer Unit notification window when a unit transfer is in progress.

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