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Make Ready
Updated over a week ago

The Make Ready tab displays a grid with units that are scheduled for make ready completion at your property. Make Ready is the process of preparing a unit for a new resident to move in. For example, the make ready process for a unit might include cleaning, painting, and general maintenance and repairs. When the make ready process is complete for a unit, you can select the Make Ready button to make the unit available for a new resident to move in. You can also change the date when a unit will be ready for completing the make ready process.

Date Ready

The date on which the make ready process is scheduled to be completed for the unit.


Unit number scheduled for the make ready process.


Unit rent pricing.


Unit square footage.


Current occupancy status for the unit. Unit occupancy statuses include:

  • Past

  • Notice

  • Applicant

Change Date

Opens the Change the Make Ready Date window.

Make Ready

Opens the Make Ready window.

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