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Maintenance Requests grid
Updated over a week ago

The Maintenance Requests dashboard grid dynamically displays maintenance request details based on the data point you select on a maintenance request dashboard tile. Click the Add Maintenance Request button to create a new maintenance request.

Item #

Maintenance request number.


Resident associated with the maintenance request, if applicable.


Property and unit associated associated with the maintenance request.

Contact Date

Date on which the maintenance request was submitted.


Type of maintenance request.

Problem Description

Brief description of the problem.


Maintenance request urgency:

  • Critical

  • Priority

  • Medium

  • Low


Current work progress on the maintenance request.


Opens the Edit Maintenance Request screen for editing.


Opens the Complete Maintenance Request [Number] screen for adding tech notes and marking the maintenance request complete.


(Completed column only appears when you select the Completed Maintenance Requests tile.)

Date on which the maintenance request was completed.


(View column only appears when you select the Completed Maintenance Requests tile.)

Opens the Edit Maintenance Request window in display mode.

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