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Maintenance Requests tiles
Updated over a week ago

Three tiles appear at the top of the Maintenance Requests tab:

  • Open Maintenance Requests

  • Open Requests by Priority

  • Completed Maintenance Requests

You can click on a data point within these tiles to update the information displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dashboard.

You can change the date range for completed maintenance requests that appear in the Completed Maintenance Requests tile. Date ranges can include completed maintenance requests from the last:

  • 90 Days

  • 6 Months

  • Year

To change the date range, click the Options button in the top-right corner of the tile and select a new date range from the dropdown menu.

Open Maintenance Requests

Displays number of open maintenance requests that are not yet completed.

Open Requests by Priority

Display number of open maintenance requests by priority:

  • Critical

  • Priority

  • Medium

  • Low

NOTE The maintenance request priority levels are not customizable. The priority levels set in Voyager must match these priorities for the maintenance requests to populate.

Completed Maintenance Requests

Displays number of completed maintenance requests for the selected date range.

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