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Agent Dashboard Person Grid
Updated over a week ago

The person grid contains information about customer activity at the selected property or property list and suggests the next action that the leasing agent can take. If you only select one agent in the Agent dashboard filter, the Agent column disappears and the dashboard only displays activity assigned to the selected agent, plus any unassigned leads.

The information that displays in the person grid depends on which data points you select in the tiles.

TIP: You can open a quick summary of a customer's relationship with your property from the person grid without leaving the Agent dashboard by clicking the Quick View button next to the customer name. The relationship summary opens in the right part of the screen.

Alternatively, you can go to the prospect or resident relationship directly by clicking the customer's name. You must link a person to a new or existing customer before you can access the relationship summary or go to the prospect or resident relationship for that person.

Tasks person grid

The Tasks person grid displays details for unassigned leads, incoming communications, appointments scheduled by the prospect or leasing agent, follow-ups that require action from the leasing agent, and various alerts.

The columns that appear in the person grid depend on which data point you select in the Tasks tile.

TIP: If you have the Conversations data point selected, you can filter the communications in the tasks person grid further by prospects, applicants, residents, or all.




The type of customer activity and the date when it occurred. For example, a guided tour, web request, or follow-up.


(Appears only when the Agent filter is empty or has more than one leasing agent selected.)

The leasing agent assigned to the customer relationship.


(Does not appear in the Alerts filter.)

The customer's leasing preferences. This field shows the customer's preferred number of bedrooms and preferred move-in date. If they have no preferences, this field displays Any.


(Does not appear in the Alerts filter.)

The marketing source for the customer relationship, such as the property website or an internet listing service.


(Appears in the Alerts filter only.)

Current status for the customer relationship. The status is determined by the activity type.

Next Step

Provides a link to the recommended next step for the lead. You can perform any of the following next steps from a customer relationship, depending on the task data point you have selected:

  • Assign Assign the lead to an agent. If the Assign button displays a person with a check mark, then the lead is already linked to a customer record. If the Assign button displays a person with a pencil, then the lead is not linked to a customer record and you must either select an existing record or create a new one before assigning the lead to an agent.

  • Reply Opens the Comm Hub to the customer without selecting a communication channel.

  • Record Showing Records a show event for the appointment.

  • Email Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with the email communication channel selected.

  • Text Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with the text communication channel selected.

  • Verify ID Goes to the prospect relationship record.

  • Lease Charges Goes to the resident relationship record with the Manage step selected.


Shows more actions you can perform for the lead. You can perform any of the following additional actions from a customer relationship, depending on the task filter you have selected:

  • Find Person Opens a customer search window for leads without prospect relationship records.

  • Mark Invalid Marks the lead invalid and cancels the prospect relationship.

  • Contact Customer Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with their preferred contact method selected.

  • Dismiss Dismisses the conversation.

  • Edit Appointment Opens the appointment in a pop-up window for editing.

  • Edit Follow-up Opens the follow-up in a pop-up window for editing.

  • Prospect Record Goes to the prospect relationship record.

Prospects by Stage person grid

The Prospects person grid can display details for customers who are assigned to or engaged with leasing agents at your property, but who have not yet begun their applications.

NOTE: Currently, this also includes prospects assigned to the default agent.

All prospect stage data points display the same columns in the person grid.




(Appears only when the Agent filter is empty or has more than one leasing agent selected.)

The leasing agent assigned to the prospect relationship.


The customer's leasing preferences. This field shows the customer's preferred number of bedrooms and preferred move-in date. If they have no preferences, this field displays Any.

Last Activity

The last activity that was performed for the customer.

Next Step

Provides a link to the recommended next step for the prospect. You can perform any of the following next steps from a customer relationship, depending on the prospect data point you have selected:

  • Contact Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with their preferred contact method selected.

  • Schedule Tour Opens the Appointment screen, where you can create a new appointment.

  • Start Tour Starts a live video tour.

  • Record Showing Records a show event for the appointment.

  • Select Unit Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Select Units step selected.

  • Add Email Address Goes to the prospect relationship record.

  • Invite to RentCafe Sends a RentCafe registration email invitation to the customer.

  • View Application Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Application Form step selected.


Shows more actions you can perform for the prospect. You can perform any of the following additional actions from a customer relationship, depending on the prospect data point you have selected:

  • Contact Customer Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with their preferred contact method selected.

  • Generate Quote Generates a basic quote sheet for the prospect.

  • Mark Inactive Inactivates the prospect relationship record and removes it from the Agent dashboard.

  • Prospect Record Goes to the prospect relationship record.

Applicants by Stage person grid

The Applicants person grid can display details for customers who are currently applying or have applied to your property.

The columns that appear in the person grid depend on which data point you select in the Person tile.



Screening Result

(Appears in the Needs Evaluation filter only.)

The prospect's screening results.

Roommates Ready for Screening

(Appears in the Needs Screening filter only.)

Additional roommates on the prospect's application and their application completion status.

NOTE When there are two or fewer roommates, they are listed by name. Otherwise, this field displays the total number of roommates on the application instead.


(Does not appear in the Needs Screening filter.)

Any additional roommates added to the prospect's application.

Last Activity

(Appears in the Application in Progress filter only.)

The last activity that was performed for the customer.

Next Step

Provides a link to the recommended next step for the applicant. You can perform any of the following next steps from a customer relationship, depending on the applicant data point you have selected:

  • Open Application Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Application Form step selected.

  • Screen Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Screening & Approval step selected.

  • Evaluate Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Screening & Approval step selected.

  • Manage Goes to the prospect relationship record with the Manage Lease step selected.


Shows more actions you can perform for the applicant. You can perform any of the following additional actions from a customer relationship, depending on the applicant data point you have selected:

  • Contact Customer Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with their preferred contact method selected.

  • Generate Quote Generates a basic quote sheet for the prospect.

  • Mark Inactive Inactivates the prospect relationship record and removes it from the Agent dashboard.

  • Prospect Record Goes to the prospect relationship record.

Residents by Status person grid

The Residents person grid can display details for customers who live at your property and are awaiting some action by a leasing agent.

The columns that appear in the person grid depend on which data point you select in the Person tile.




The resident's roommates, including both lessees and non-lessees.

Last Activity

The last activity that was performed for the customer.

Move In Date

(Appears in the Needs Move In filter only.)

The future resident's move-in date.

Lease Expires

(Appears in the Needs Renewal Proposal filter only.)

The current resident's lease expiration date.

Move Out Date

(Does not appear in the Needs Move In or Needs Renewal Proposal filters.)

The current resident's move-out date.

Next Step

Provides a link to the recommended next step for the resident. You can perform any of the following next steps from a customer relationship, depending on the resident data point you have selected:

  • Move In Opens the Move In window in the right part of the screen.

  • Generate Proposal Opens the Create Lease Proposal Batch window in the right part of the screen.

  • Adjust Move Out Goes to the resident relationship record with the Manage screen selected.

  • Move Out Opens the Move Out window in the right part of the screen.

  • Deposit Accounting Goes to the resident relationship record with the Manage step selected.


Shows more actions you can perform for the resident. You can perform any of the following additional actions from a customer relationship, depending on the resident data point you have selected:

  • Notice Opens the Notice window in the right part of the screen.

  • Month to Month Opens the Month to Month window in the right part of the screen.

  • Contact Customer Opens the Comm Hub to the customer with their preferred contact method selected.

  • Resident Record Goes to the resident relationship record.


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