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Add a New Tracking Source
Updated over a week ago

​When adding a new tracking source, you can choose between standard sources or Voyager sources. Standard sources are provided in CRM IQ and represent the most popular industry sources. Voyager sources are sources that you set up in Voyager. If you select a standard source, DNI is automatically set up.

Before you begin

Set up schedules and default routing settings (if you plan to use default settings with your new tracking source). For more information, see Schedules and Default Routing Settings.

How to do it

  1. In the top-right part of the Tracking and Routing grid, click the Add New Tracking Source button. The Create New Tracking Source screen appears.

  2. Select the routing setting for the new tracking source. For more information, see Default Routing Settings.



Use Default Routing Settings

Changes made to the default routing settings will be reflected in this tracking source.

Copy from Default Routing Settings

Default routing settings are copied to the tracking source but future changes made to the default routing settings will not be reflected in this tracking source. Changes must be made directly to the tracking source.

New Settings

No settings appear in the new tracking source. You must enter all routing settings.

NOTE: After you set up a tracking source, regardless if you select to use, copy, or not use the default routing settings, you can still link or unlink the tracking source to or from the default routing settings. For more information, see Edit a tracking source, below.

3. Select a standard source from the list. (Tracking sources previously added are displayed as selected.) Alternatively, you can add a new Voyager source by clicking +New Voyager Source.

NOTE: If a standard source already exists as a Voyager source, it is labeled as both.

  • If you select a standard source from the list, you can link the standard source to a Voyager source, create a tracking source email, and create a tracking source phone number. If you link a standard source to a Voyager source, the Voyager source becomes inactive and the new standard source is inserted into your Voyager database. To select a phone number in a specific area code, enter that area code in the Area Code field in the top-right part of the Create New Tracking Source window.

  • If you click +New Voyager Source, enter the new Voyager source name and click Save. The new Voyager source appears at the top of the list of sources and is identified as a New Voyager Source. You can create a tracking source email and phone number. To select a phone number in a specific area code, enter that area code in the Area Code field in the top-right part of the Create New Tracking Source window.

4. Click Save. A notice regarding fees appears.

5. Click OK to create the new tracking source.

6. The new tracking source now appears in the Tracking and Routing grid.

After you finish

  • You can modify the newly created tracking source by clicking the Edit button in the row of the Tracking and Routing grid. For more information, see Edit a tracking source.

  • If you selected either Copy from Default Routing Settings or New Settings when adding the new tracking source, set up the call routing rules. For more information, see Call Routing Workflows.

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