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Schedules Overview
Updated over a week ago

A schedule determines which prompts and routing rules the IVR system uses during a specific time of the week. Schedules previously created for a property in Site Manager are automatically transferred to CRM IQ.

The default schedule applies during any times of the week when no other schedules are active. The purpose of the default schedule depends on the other schedules that you add. For example, if you add schedules only for different times of the business day, the default schedule applies to after-hours when the leasing office is closed. If you add schedules for after-hours and weekends, the default schedule applies to standard business hours.

The override schedule allows you to create a schedule for a one-time specific date or range of dates. A unique date-specific schedule is ideal to use for holidays. The override schedule takes priority over any active recurring schedule that is setup. After the date or range of dates specified for the override schedule passes, the regular recurring schedule applies again.

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