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Document dashboard tiles
Updated over a week ago

Three tiles appear at the top of the Documents dashboard: All Documents, Document Status, and Document Types. All three tiles display the same number of documents, just sorted differently. You can click any data point within these tiles to update the information displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dashboard. For example, if you want to view all documents that are waiting on your countersignature, click Pending Agent Countersign on the Document Status tile. The grid below then populates with information about prospects or residents who are waiting on you to countersign their lease or non-lease documents.


Data Point

All Documents

Prospect Documents Outstanding prospect documents, such as leases.

Resident Documents Outstanding resident documents, such as lease renewals.

Document Status

Manage Document Documents that still require steps to be completed in the manage lease workflow.

Get Signature Documents that require a prospect, resident, or guarantor signature.

Pending Agent Countersign Documents that require agent countersignature.

Pending Regenerate Documents that require regeneration.

Printed Documents that you have printed (for example, to obtain a physical signature).

Document Types

Guarantor Document Guarantor documents in the dashboard grid.

Move-in Lease Document Lease documents in the dashboard grid.

Renewal Document Renewal documents in the dashboard grid.

Other Documents Other types of documents (for example, one-off addenda) in the dashboard grid.

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