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Audio Files
Updated over a week ago

The IVR system can play audio messages to greet callers, describe prompts, and provide instructions for leaving voicemail messages. Audio messages can be audio files that you upload or messages that a computer reads out loud using Text to Speech (TTS).

You can review all the audio files that you upload by clicking the Audio tab on the Tracking Source and Call Routing screen.

Audio message types

The following grid describes each audio message type:

Message type

When does it play?


Example message


Beginning of call.

File or TTS

"Hello, and thank you for calling Gardenview Terrace. Our leasing office is open from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday."


After welcome message.

File or TTS

"If you are interested in a new apartment, press 1. If you are a current resident and want to report an issue, press 2. If you are a contracted vendor, press 3. For all other inquiries, press 4."


When call is routed to Record Voicemail.

File only

"Thank you for calling Gardenview Terrace. Our leasing office is currently closed. Please leave your message and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible."


When call is routed to Play Audio.

File only

"Our office is located at 461 Spring Street, and is open from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday. Free parking is available on the street."


When a call is transferred to a Call Center agent or when a Central Leasing Office receives a call. The whisper tone says the name of the property about which the person is calling.

File or TTS

"Colima Pass Bungalows"

Audio file requirements

If you want to upload a file to use for an audio message, it must meet the following requirements:

  • WAV format

  • µ-law compression

  • 8 KHz sample rate

  • Mono channel only

Audio file grid

On the Tracking Source and Call Routing screen (from the top menu, go to Communications > Tracking & Routing), click the Audio tab. The grid displays all the audio files you have uploaded. To filter by property, enter the property name in the Search field.




Name of audio file.

Audio Type

How the audio file is used.

  • Welcome

  • Menu

  • Voicemail

  • Play

  • Whisper


Property to which the audio file is linked.


  • Listen: Listen to the audio file

  • Edit: Edit the audio file

  • Delete: Delete the audio file

Add an audio file

Before you begin

Create audio files that you want to upload to your property.

How to do it

  1. Click the Add Audio File button.

  2. The Add Audio File screen appears.



Audio Type

Defines audio file use.

Enable this audio for

All Properties: Audio is linked to all properties and is displayed in the audio file grid for all properties.

Property: Audio is linked to the property selected from the drop-down list and is displayed only in the audio file grid for the selected property.

3. Complete the fields.

Edit an audio file

Before you begin

Create and upload audio files that you want to deploy to your property.

How to do it

  1. In the row of the audio file that you want to edit, click the Edit button.

  2. The Edit Audio File screen appears.




You can rename the file.

Audio Enable for

You can link the audio file to additional properties.

3. Complete the fields and click Save.

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